Argumentation Based Decision Making for Autonomous Agents
Auteurs : Kakas A., Moraitis P.
Publication : In Proc. 2nd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’03), pp. 883-890, Melbourne, Australia, 2003
This paper presents an argumentation based framework to support the decision making of an agent within a modular architecture for agents. The proposed argumentation framework is dynamic, with arguments and their strength depending on the particular context that the agent finds himself, thus allowing the agent to adapt his decisions in a changing environment. In addition, in order to enable the agent to operate within an open environment where the available information may be incomplete we have integrated abduction within this argumentation framework. This is particular useful when the agent finds himself in a dilemma and hence needs additional information to resolve this. We have also developed, motivated by work in Cognitive Psychology, within the same framework an argumentation based personality theory for agents thus incorporating a dimension of individuality in the decisions of the agent.